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Teacher Support

One objective of the PTO is to provide support to the wonderful teachers and staff at Sacred Heart Catholic School. 


••••• Appreciation •••••
Monday Motivator

One Monday a month, we celebrate teachers and staff at the elementary and high school by providing goodies in their break room. We invite parents, grands, and friends of the school to help them know they are loved by picking a date and providing goodies of some sort, such as pastries, fruit, brunch items, theme bagged treats, or any other non-food treat idea. To see dates and sign up, visit the form below.






PLC Day Give Away

Each Early Release Day (PLC), the teachers and staff meet for a few hours for a meeting/learning opportunity. The PTO organizes people to provide a gift card or gift item for each school as a raffle prize. The principals pull a name as a winner at each campus. Help us appreciate the teachers and staff by providing a fun gift!




••••• Teacher & Staff Support •••••


Funding Requests

We take requests for funding for materials, projects, supplies, events, and other items that would improve instruction or experiences for students and teachers.  These requests will be discussed at PTO board meetings and by email for review and approval.

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